" RAIN DROPS " is an application that listen to environmental sound that is optimal sleep-inducing , concentration up , to relax .
It is said that humans sleep , concentration , and it has the best effect to relax the environmental sound .
It is also called " white noise " .
It is also demonstrated in scientific enough to be sold " Generator white noise " as the introduction sleep induction , to the concentration expensive .
We provide a total of three sounds of the forest and the sound of rain and thunder .
Able to play only your favorite sound , it is desirable to flow to mix your favorite sound environment is also possible .
We are available at 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes timer .
We have the background for reproduction .
iPad and iPhone, I have universal support .
Study , the memory improvements in work , to focus the improvement of sports before , the stimulation of parasympathetic , the stability of the body and mind , in order to calm the feelings , in order to improve the quality of sleep , a wide range of the applications to heal available in .
RAIN DROPS is free .
If you me like the app , I am glad door and who can write the evaluation .